Free Flash Games: The Gun Game

17 12 2010

The Gun Game is a shooting game that provides players with hours of excitement. It is considered one of the most fun and simple games on the internet. And the best thing about this is that it’s free. It is a game that is so easy to figure out that anyone would be able to have a good time playing, but at the same time, it’s very challenging to beat so it wouldn’t seem too easy no matter how much experience you have. This game will surely hold a special appeal for those who love guns. It will get them very excited as they have many guns to choose from.

The idea of the game is that both the player and the computer have a gun. Both are represented as a hand holding a gun, and nothing more. They are facing each other in a shooting field. They can shoot at each other, but only from their designated firing area, which is to the far left and right, respectively. The player should move the gun up and down, in an effort to shoot the computer’s gun while avoiding getting hit at the same time. They can move to the middle area to try to avoid being hit. However, they can’t fire from there, and have to go back to the designated area to take a shot.

One of the great things about The Gun Game is that you can choose from many different types of guns. There are pistols, revolvers, SMG’s, rifles, assault rifles and shotguns. The player has to work on accuracy in order to win.

The Gun Game also takes gravity and distance into account. The bullets don’t fly straight, but fall slightly as they go, like real bullets do. This means that the player has to tip the gun upward or shoot from a point that is a bit higher than the computer player. The computer player is moving up and down as well, so this is challenging.

As a whole, The Gun Game is great game. The player has to master all of the different weapons. They also have to get used to the strategy and physics of the game. It is the kind of game that you can start playing with success right away, but  can take a pretty long time to master.