Metal Slug XX: One More Verse, Same as the First…

28 10 2010

Metal Slug is an astonishing well-animated hand-drawn art, side-scrolling 2D shooting action, UFOs, tentacle-laden aliens, giant mechanized bosses… these are all trademark of the series that SNK gave birth nearly 14 years ago. After all these years, not much has really changed since then.

Don’t get me wrong—I definitely consider myself as someone who appreciates the series, but at the same time, I have to be straightforward. I was somehow unable to tell new instalments apart a few years ago. They’re all very similar and have too much in common that they just blend together. I love the visuals and I like the formula, but Metal Slug just stopped moving forward a while ago, and I’m not certain what new instalments are likely to be bringing to the table.

However, even though nothing’s new in Metal Slug XX, nothing is bad either, that’s for sure. The gunning and running as a scrappy soldier against insurmountable odds is as good as it has always been, and the wide variety of weapons and mechanical vehicles scattered throughout all seven levels are greatly appreciated. Exhausting hordes of enemy soldiers into frowning piles of mush always bring a smile to the face. However, I can’t say that any particular part of the game was exceptionally memorable. None of the bosses delivered much “WOW,” and the levels themselves were fairly monotonous.

Metal Slug XX’s unlimited continues mean that the typical gamer will complete the campaign in about an hour or so. It’s a pretty good length for a game of this type, but I believe most players want a little more life out of their purchases. To that end, the Combat School mode is an attempt to extend playtime by offering 70 or so challenges and tests of skill. Sadly, most of the content has been revamped from the main campaign and by failing to deliver unprecedented segments, it fails to compel.

For players who have never had the chance to take part of Metal Slug’s particular brand of madness or for the avid fans of the series, Metal Slug XX will definitely be worth the time invested. On the other hand, for those who may still have great interest for the Slugs but can’t deny having been there and done that, there’s not enough reason to sign up for another tour of duty.