Knowing Your Game

2 10 2010

Picking the right game plays a vital role to your gaming enjoyment. This way, you don’t have to waste your money for a bad game. Here are some tips I’d like to share:

1. Know what you want. If you’re up for shooting games, then find shooting games. If you’re a hardcore fan of RPG, then look for RPG. Don’t buy a Final Fantasy game if you are the sport gamer type and not aware of what RPG is. You should know how to categorize yourself to what genre of games you belong. Don’t just buy whatever new game you see. At the end of the day, you always know what you want.

2. Make a list. Trust me, making a list of the games you want to have really helps. If you do not have enough money to purchase everything you want for a particular time, then add everything you missed on your wish list. That will grant you the time to save up so you can avail the games in your wish list. You cannot always buy everything you want in a single installment.

3. What’s hot is really what’s hot. You don’t buy games that are a decade-old. You buy games that are much talked about today. Find a good game that you can boast or share. Never go over the ones that everyone has already forgotten.

4. Those who played it know it. It wouldn’t hurt to check the internet or game magazines for the reviews. You can also ask your friends or co-gamers about the games that they already played. There are so many available resources where you can learn if a game is good or not. For instance, you can check Gamespot and read about the editor’s reviews on the latest games. If it has a bad rating, probably it can go below your list. If it has a 5-star rating, chances are it really is a game that will give you much enjoyment and fun.

5. You want one, you want them all. If it is a sequel, then you will probably love the other game titles under the same umbrella. If you loved Resident Evil: Director’s Cut, then you will love other Resident Evil titles as well.

PS3’s Sports Champions – A Revolutionary Approach to Archery

19 09 2010

For quite a long time sport enthusiasts have been waiting for a Playstation 3 shooting game to be created for them. Nintendo Wii has Wii Sports, but now PS3 has Sports Champions. Sports Champions offers 6 wonderfully recreated sports: Disc Golf, Bocce, Archery, Gladiator Duel, Beach Volleyball, and Table Tennis. Each game will take you to new heights in sports console gaming.

The impressive gameplay and amazing move control scheme in Archery have definitely marked a milestone in the field of sports gaming. Archery has proven its worth to a horde of fans of the simple bow and arrow, which was popular during the DOS era. It can definitely compete with the high definition and powerful gameplay of Wii Sports. There are a variety of techniques that a player needs to master, in order to play Archery. And when you master it, you can take a snapshot of your accomplishments by publishing your medal photo in various social media sites. Thus you can share the achievements with your friends in order to show them how good archer you are.

The game control is very close to the real archery. You have to use two move controllers in order to hold the bow and arrow in place. You then have to focus and aim at the right target. With the game requiring perfect timing, you can’t just fire the arrows because you will end up missing the target. You need to carefully concentrate to hit the bull’s eye. The arrows are fired by releasing the trigger allowing you to feel it as if it’s real. It is like you are on the field and you are on a real archery range.

There are different game options that you can choose from too. You can play tic-tac-toe archery, target range, or a shooting gallery with fruits and money.

If you have a knack in playing archery and you love shooting games, this game is the right pick for you, so consider putting it into your watch list.

Source: Shooting Game Blog