Call of Duty 2011

6 11 2010

On 4 November 2010, Activision Blizzard issued their huge earnings report in which it announced a $51 million quarterly profit. During a conference call with analysts afterwards, executives announced further details on the publisher’s future plans.

Call of Duty will have a new instalment in the second half of 2011.

The only detail that was disclosed was that the Call of Duty series will once more have a fresh first-person instalment late next year. “We will launch a new first-person action title during the second half of 2011,” Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said. This sentiment was later repeated by Activision COO Thomas Tippl, who also said that “Next year’s Call of Duty will be a first-person shooter.”

The executives did not give a title to the game or who the developer was. A possible title is Modern Warfare 3, which court documents identified as being under development at Infinity Ward as of May. Activision said that during the same month, the studio which had lost over 30 members following the firing of its founders last March, continued to work on its “next big project”.

Another COD from Sledgehammer

Another Call of Duty is also in the works from new studio Sledgehammer Games.  Activision has said this title would make the Call of Duty series into the action-adventure genre, third-person. But a May job listing indicated it’s also going to be a first-person shooter. Activision has yet to announce when the Sledgehammer title will be released, but said it was not the unnamed Call of Duty project slated for next year–probably Modern Warfare 3.