Free Flash Games: The Gun Game

17 12 2010

The Gun Game is a shooting game that provides players with hours of excitement. It is considered one of the most fun and simple games on the internet. And the best thing about this is that it’s free. It is a game that is so easy to figure out that anyone would be able to have a good time playing, but at the same time, it’s very challenging to beat so it wouldn’t seem too easy no matter how much experience you have. This game will surely hold a special appeal for those who love guns. It will get them very excited as they have many guns to choose from.

The idea of the game is that both the player and the computer have a gun. Both are represented as a hand holding a gun, and nothing more. They are facing each other in a shooting field. They can shoot at each other, but only from their designated firing area, which is to the far left and right, respectively. The player should move the gun up and down, in an effort to shoot the computer’s gun while avoiding getting hit at the same time. They can move to the middle area to try to avoid being hit. However, they can’t fire from there, and have to go back to the designated area to take a shot.

One of the great things about The Gun Game is that you can choose from many different types of guns. There are pistols, revolvers, SMG’s, rifles, assault rifles and shotguns. The player has to work on accuracy in order to win.

The Gun Game also takes gravity and distance into account. The bullets don’t fly straight, but fall slightly as they go, like real bullets do. This means that the player has to tip the gun upward or shoot from a point that is a bit higher than the computer player. The computer player is moving up and down as well, so this is challenging.

As a whole, The Gun Game is great game. The player has to master all of the different weapons. They also have to get used to the strategy and physics of the game. It is the kind of game that you can start playing with success right away, but  can take a pretty long time to master.

Why Play Online Shooting Games

27 11 2010

Do you need to put off a little bit of aggression during your lunch break? Are you thinking of improving your aim so you can improve your performance in virtual shooting matches? Have you just got a few minutes to spare and want something that’s going to be easy and enjoyable? Then you should check out how to play online shooting games.

Experience the Fun

If you’re interested in how to play online shooting games, you will find a lot of options available. Some of them even closely resemble the classic arcades games of the past. These are the same kind of games that had players pretending they were hunters and virtually shooting at their TV screens. You can now re-experience all of that excitement while just sticking close to your computer.

Competing in a Different Way

While other types of shooting games put players against each other in direct competition, you can also find a kind of competition with Flash versions of these games. When you play online shooting games, your high scores are recorded and that means you can contend against other players to get the top scores. The good thing here is that you don’t have to think about dealing with players who are going to cheat or who want to spend more time showing off their skills than competing in a board. You play your game and that is all that matters.

Affordability & Accessibility

The best thing is that you can play online shooting games for a fraction of the cost compared when you buy console games or games that needs to be installed to your PC. Also, the Flash technology behind these games makes it easy for the average computers to use them. There is no need to upgrade your system when you want to play a game.

Tips to Get Better at FPS Games

24 11 2010

Not doing well with shooting games? Here are some tips that could help you get better:

Have decent computer specs and internet connection. Increasing your FPS will immensely help you in your game, seeing how many bullets your weapon fires per second your computer can handle. Having a high-end computer isn’t necessary for this, however you don’t want to be the one lagging up the whole room.

Don’t hack! Many players find that they aren’t good at FPS, and will just give up. They don’t actually give up on the game, they decide to stop playing fair and resort to hacking. Hacking is an annoyance and can decrease your reputation or even get you banned in the game.

Practice, practice, and practice some more. Spending hours playing the game is better than any secret out there. Shooting games take time if you’re just getting into them. Having no experience and not much hand-eye coordination can make the experience really hard at first. But playing the game for a while and getting the hang of it will eventually make things easier for you.

Turn your mouse sensitivity all the way up. Why? Because if you master your mouse movements, you can maneuver your character more quickly and precisely, and most importantly, your aiming. Having your mouse sensitivity on high means you have the option to react with a fast turn. If you have your sensitivity on low, it will take a couple seconds for your character to react when you are getting shot at.

For everyone with low-end computers, turn your settings down. There is no use for all the effects and graphics when your computer can’t handle them. As I mentioned in my first tip, you can only fire as many bullets as your computer can manage.

Drink Mountain Dew. It doesn’t really have to be Mountain Dew. Any caffeinated drink would do the trick. All that caffeine will give you a boost and increase your mental alertness, which in turn will improve your reaction time. I’ve read that a lot of pros do this. I highly recommend that you try it too.

Call of Duty 2011

6 11 2010

On 4 November 2010, Activision Blizzard issued their huge earnings report in which it announced a $51 million quarterly profit. During a conference call with analysts afterwards, executives announced further details on the publisher’s future plans.

Call of Duty will have a new instalment in the second half of 2011.

The only detail that was disclosed was that the Call of Duty series will once more have a fresh first-person instalment late next year. “We will launch a new first-person action title during the second half of 2011,” Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said. This sentiment was later repeated by Activision COO Thomas Tippl, who also said that “Next year’s Call of Duty will be a first-person shooter.”

The executives did not give a title to the game or who the developer was. A possible title is Modern Warfare 3, which court documents identified as being under development at Infinity Ward as of May. Activision said that during the same month, the studio which had lost over 30 members following the firing of its founders last March, continued to work on its “next big project”.

Another COD from Sledgehammer

Another Call of Duty is also in the works from new studio Sledgehammer Games.  Activision has said this title would make the Call of Duty series into the action-adventure genre, third-person. But a May job listing indicated it’s also going to be a first-person shooter. Activision has yet to announce when the Sledgehammer title will be released, but said it was not the unnamed Call of Duty project slated for next year–probably Modern Warfare 3.

Evolution of First Person Shooter Games

16 10 2010

The trend for first person shooter games is on a progressive state. It could be dated back to 1970’s when the main console is Atari; everyone seemed to get hooked on first person shooter games. First person shooter games, also known as FPS, are games that show the arms and the gun of a protagonist in a screen and, most of the time, a crosshair. It is like you are the one doing the attack. You are the seeing and playing the vision of the main protagonist of the game. It gives a more realistic feeling to every shooting game developed under the FPS category.

The gameplay of first shooter games mostly fall on a mission-type adventure. This is the common denominator for all FPS games. You can grab power ups, ammunitions, weapons and weapon upgrades, and first aid kits along the way. You travel to pathways eliminating a horde of enemies – people or monsters. The fun here is envisioning your self entering into the mission via the first shooter field. You can actually think that you are on the game. The thrill to it is that you cannot anticipate what is behind you unlike other shooter games. Like in real life, you can’t see what’s at your back because you don’t, of course, literally have eyes to help you guard from behind. If you can aim well, then any FPS game can be completed with no sweat.

Famous FPS games were sold on the market; some became very successful and widely sought after. Counterstrike and Half-life, to name a few from the already globally famous shooter game category, had hooked a crowd for years. More and more promising FPS games are being developed and released.

Duke Nukem 3D is one of the most famous FPS games ever developed. It was already 10 years when the developers released the last installment to the sequel. An upcoming Duke Nukem installment can be played soon according to GameSpot.

Aim and Accessorize

10 10 2010

TITLE: Aim and Accessorize

Having helpful accessories for your console isn’t a bad thing. If you have some extra money to spare, you can buy some accessories like guns to maximize your shooting game experience. The point here is that these accessories make the game more realistic and believable. It adds to the fun and enjoyment you already have. It also aids in easy controls for you to own the game. Since you will be holding a realistic model of a gun, it will be easy to imagine and visualize yourself to be like the actual player of the game. In today’s time where consoles are getting more interactive than ever, some players find it a need to grab one of these accessories. This, ultimately, is purely optional.

Here are some accessories you can buy. These accessories are plug and play accessories and do not require you to do a complicated installment. When you plug it, it’s already good to play.

Mad Catz Blaster (Xbox 360)

If you are a fan of House of the Dead 3, then this accessory is the right fit for you. It can help you dramatically through your quest in that game. It also supports other shooting games in Xbox 360. Other games include Hutch, and Starsky. It has an amazing design with a catchy color to enormously boost your confidence when dealing with your enemies throughout your adventure. You will not experience fatigue when holding this weapon. It’s comfort and design altogether. This could be rated with a perfect five; probably, the first choice when finding a gun accessory for Xbox 360.

Perfect Aim Pistol (PS Move)

This pistol is created by CTA. It is fun to tote this pistol. It has a slim and elegant appearance. It does not weigh heavy like real guns. You can carry it lightly; thus, your motion will not be affected. You can easily aim and pinpoint your target. This one is a great accessory to have.

War Starts in 2011

10 10 2010

The release in America of another big shooting game is being anticipated by many. Killzone 3 was announced to be released in America on February 22, 2011. This spectacular game is available in 3D, the first ever game to cater 3D motion controls using the PS Move. It is another sequel to the Killzone titles. This time, it’s getting large.

It is expected that this game is going to hit the gaming realm like a storm. The game is a first person shooter game. Some features of the game are yet to be announced. There were many tests conducted to ensure a perfectly made 3D game. Though optional, the game requires a three dimensional television that coordinates with three dimensional glasses. The game has reported minor bugs upon testing of the game in the last year. On the release date, the game is much-awaited with the minor glitches gone. Being the first game to be released in a three dimensional gameplay, shooting game fanatics are looking forward to this action-filled game.

The game sets off in a war. The main protagonist of the game, named Sev, works for a special force fighting the Helghast Empire. The storyline of this sequel is a bit light compared to the hardcore and complicated storyline of its prequels which gained bad reviews because of its deep and dark storyline. The best thing for us gamers to do is to wait for the release and see what’s going to happen. We will be the judge if this game will be successful.

This three-dimensional shooting game was developed by SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment America); however, the game will be exclusively released in PlayStation 3 console. In 2011, get your gears and guns up; let us all get ready to enter the world of 3D shooting games!

A Different Kind of Shoot

7 10 2010

Freestyle is a shooting game online. For a break, we’re not going to be discussing about guns and the normal shooting talk that we do here but rather, we’ll be talking about another genre – casual sports. Freestyle is a street basketball game. You gain levels from playing just like a typical MMORPG. However, by leveling up, your attributes go to your avatar’s abilities like jumping, running, passing and stealing. This has a big difference with MMORPG. In games like Ragnarok or FlyFF, attributes go to stamina or vitality; strength or vigor; dexterity, luck and agility; and to similar status point allotment values. Contrary to the stressful atmosphere brought about by these MMORPG, Freestyle is a more friendly game. You do not compete and pawn each other in PVP like in Ragnarok. You do not spend long hours training by going to dungeons and killing monsters one at a time. Not much of time is required but the same level of enjoyment is experienced. This is one of the reasons why casual games like Freestyle are turning out to be successful.

The gameplay of Freestyle is simple. If you’re a fan of basketball games, then you should be able to understand how to get around this game. Same roles are there: centers, power forwards, and point guards. The game is pretty fun to play with, something worth playing especially when you got tired dealing with the strong impact of other games.

Massive multimedia online games have been running along the web building attachments to many gamers out there. It’s like a viral movement germinating addiction to every age group. JC Entertainment is a genius for developing a unique game that will cater to a different number of audiences. If you haven’t tried Freestyle, it is highly suggested that you should. A breath of fresh air from hardcore serious shooting games and RPG wouldn’t hurt.

Knowing Your Game

2 10 2010

Picking the right game plays a vital role to your gaming enjoyment. This way, you don’t have to waste your money for a bad game. Here are some tips I’d like to share:

1. Know what you want. If you’re up for shooting games, then find shooting games. If you’re a hardcore fan of RPG, then look for RPG. Don’t buy a Final Fantasy game if you are the sport gamer type and not aware of what RPG is. You should know how to categorize yourself to what genre of games you belong. Don’t just buy whatever new game you see. At the end of the day, you always know what you want.

2. Make a list. Trust me, making a list of the games you want to have really helps. If you do not have enough money to purchase everything you want for a particular time, then add everything you missed on your wish list. That will grant you the time to save up so you can avail the games in your wish list. You cannot always buy everything you want in a single installment.

3. What’s hot is really what’s hot. You don’t buy games that are a decade-old. You buy games that are much talked about today. Find a good game that you can boast or share. Never go over the ones that everyone has already forgotten.

4. Those who played it know it. It wouldn’t hurt to check the internet or game magazines for the reviews. You can also ask your friends or co-gamers about the games that they already played. There are so many available resources where you can learn if a game is good or not. For instance, you can check Gamespot and read about the editor’s reviews on the latest games. If it has a bad rating, probably it can go below your list. If it has a 5-star rating, chances are it really is a game that will give you much enjoyment and fun.

5. You want one, you want them all. If it is a sequel, then you will probably love the other game titles under the same umbrella. If you loved Resident Evil: Director’s Cut, then you will love other Resident Evil titles as well.

Best Shooting Game Pick for PSP

26 09 2010

Shooting games are inevitably ruling the video games. PlayStation Portable was not spared for this domination as one of the best shooting game titles had been released. Snake is back on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Produced by Konami and directed by the series genius Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will take you to different heights of gaming. The game was released in Japan on April 28, in North America on June 8, and in Europe on June 17.

The game setting is in Puerto Rico in 1974. Snake has a brand new mission and operations. The Peace Sentinels are armed with top-edge artilleries and destructive weapons. Due to constitutional arguments of the country, armed forces cannot be formed making the group fugitives. MSF (Militaires Sans Frontieres), led by Snake fusing with some group leaders, is being called for by the Costa Rican government due to lack of power to combat the armed group.

Accomplish each task to unveil the much-anticipated chapters of this game. Divided into five segments, the story of the game is worth knowing as it follows the sequels and massive surprises await each die-hard Metal Gear Solid fanatic. This game installment of Metal Gear series will narrate untold events that can shed some light to the mysteries of Snake and his operations.

The controls are easy to master. Mobility and movements are executed with the analog stick along with the integration of L and R for close-combat fight and for the use of weapons.

The game is playable in multiplayer mode. There are different game mechanics involving Extra Ops, Outer Ops and Versus Ops. With the breathtaking graphics and addictive gameplay, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is destined to get you hooked with the game. It’s time to play a whole new adventure of Snake!