Game Review: Dead Space 2

5 11 2010

As a shooting game fanatic, I was really eager to see what’s new in the sequel of a game we can consider one of the best in 2008. But when I first played Dead Space 2, it was a little hard to distinguish what exactly was new. Evidently, the game took place in a different location—in this case the freezer section of what is seemingly a giant space station—with more wide-open space, but besides that it felt a lot like Dead Space. I was moving slowly around corners, floating around in zero-gravity environments, shooting the limbs off of necromorphs, and solving simple environmental puzzles. Everything feels almost the same.

Then there was an elevator that took me up to the Chapel. This new area felt particularly different. It’s a scrumptiously decorated space made me feel more like I was in a mansion, as contrary to floating around in space. It did not feel out of place, just different.

It was here that I met the only boss in the demo, a horrendously mutated, giant necromorph that held me down to the ground. I was unable to move and all I could do was to aim and shoot. I only had a limited amount of time to get a few shots off before the creature would pick me up and slam me back down, so I had to aim both precisely and quickly to defeat it. It was really simple and left me with an unfounded sense of relief. Why unfounded? It’s simple: I had to think of the children. What children? Read on to know more.

Everything is Scarier with Children

In the previous Dead Space game, you were forced to kill hordes of necromorphs, but despite their twisted state, they all appeared to be adult—except from a disturbing scene with fetus-like monsters. But that’s not the case in DS2. There is a new breed that’s clearly childlike, and as we all know, horror becomes a lot creepier when you throw in some kids. One baby necromorph isn’t much to worry about, as they’re pretty easy to deal with. The problem is that they come at you in waves in order to overpower you with sheer numbers. It’s a lot different experience compared to fighting the usual enemies and almost gives DS2 more of an action-game feel.

From what I had a chance to see, it looks like EA isn’t going too far from the path laid down by the first game. Dead Space 2 is relatively much like its predecessor, but with more focus on action and a change of setting. DS2 will be coming to the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on January 25, 2011.