Tips to Get Better at FPS Games

24 11 2010

Not doing well with shooting games? Here are some tips that could help you get better:

Have decent computer specs and internet connection. Increasing your FPS will immensely help you in your game, seeing how many bullets your weapon fires per second your computer can handle. Having a high-end computer isn’t necessary for this, however you don’t want to be the one lagging up the whole room.

Don’t hack! Many players find that they aren’t good at FPS, and will just give up. They don’t actually give up on the game, they decide to stop playing fair and resort to hacking. Hacking is an annoyance and can decrease your reputation or even get you banned in the game.

Practice, practice, and practice some more. Spending hours playing the game is better than any secret out there. Shooting games take time if you’re just getting into them. Having no experience and not much hand-eye coordination can make the experience really hard at first. But playing the game for a while and getting the hang of it will eventually make things easier for you.

Turn your mouse sensitivity all the way up. Why? Because if you master your mouse movements, you can maneuver your character more quickly and precisely, and most importantly, your aiming. Having your mouse sensitivity on high means you have the option to react with a fast turn. If you have your sensitivity on low, it will take a couple seconds for your character to react when you are getting shot at.

For everyone with low-end computers, turn your settings down. There is no use for all the effects and graphics when your computer can’t handle them. As I mentioned in my first tip, you can only fire as many bullets as your computer can manage.

Drink Mountain Dew. It doesn’t really have to be Mountain Dew. Any caffeinated drink would do the trick. All that caffeine will give you a boost and increase your mental alertness, which in turn will improve your reaction time. I’ve read that a lot of pros do this. I highly recommend that you try it too.

Game Preview: Bulletstorm

17 11 2010

Bulletstorm is an upcoming shooting game which occurs in a futuristic setting where an elite band of mercenaries known as Dead Echo, protect the confederation. When Dead Echo members Grayson Hunt and Ishi Sato find out that they had been working on the wrong side, they abandon their squad commander and both end up being exiled to the edges of the galaxy. Players take the character of Grayson Hunt several years after his exile, who has become a drunken space pirate since. After getting engaged in an interstellar crash landing, he is reunited with his old colleague Sato. They find out that they are surrounded by hordes of flesh eating mutants in an abandoned paradise. Hunt and Sato decide to team up together once again to escape the planet alive and settle the score with the man who sent them there.


Players utilize a huge arsenal consisting of incredibly large weapons and over-the-top combat moves. Bulletstorm also has different kinds of “skillshots” which create intense levels of frantic gameplay. The player gets rewarded by the skillshot gameplay system for creating and instigating mayhem in the most unusual way possible. The more creative the skillshot, the more points players gain to upgrade their character and unlock weapons that allow the player to perform more creative moves and spectacular skillshots.


The title began development in 2008 when publisher Electronic Arts announced that it would be publishing a new Intellectual property from game developer Epic Games. A trademark for the name “Bulletstorm” was unveiled when game developer People Can Fly filed a trademark for the name in December of last year. Epic Games designer Cliff Bleszinski was actually scheduled to announce the game together with Gears of War 3 during a guesting on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on April 8, 2010. But his appearance was rescheduled to April 12, 2010 after his slot was taken by pop icon Justin Bieber. Soon after Bleszinski announced on Twitter, that he would be unveiling two games on the show on April 12, 2010. However the game was revealed even before the scheduled appearance when gaming magazine, Game Informer, published its May 2010 issue cover which revealed the game. Bulletstorm is scheduled for release on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on February 22, 2011.

James Bond 007: Bloodstone Review

12 11 2010

Bloodstone is somewhat a hard title to figure out, at least from a business perspective. It is not tied into any released James Bond movie, it’s coming out just as the holiday shopping rush is set to start, and it’s not only contending with the Goldeneye remake but yet another Activision title, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Even if the game was outstanding, it would still have a hard time finding an audience under those circumstances, so the fact that this shooting game is bad just ruins any chance it had.

What’s odd about Bloodstone is that it was developed by Bizarre Creations, who is best known for the recently released Blur and the Project Gotham Racing series (not to mention the addictive Geometry Wars). You’d think with that lineage, Bloodstone would offer solid driving segments, but not only is most of the game focused on third-person cover-based shooting, the few vehicle based sequences are mediocre at best. They are all chase segments where you drive a car and go after a target; staged explosions and near miss collisions add few thrills to the mix, but the repetitive missions need memorization and frequent attempts to conquer. Nowhere does skill come in handy—worse still, the cars all handle as if their tires are coated in melted butter, and the collision detection is absolutely awful.

The third-person cover based shooting segments turn out far better, but I mean that in comparison to the driving segments. It’s not nearly as polished as Uncharterd or Gears of War, but to be fair, the game does feature some astoundingly detailed environments, and there were moments, but rare, when I found myself having fun. Unfortunately, the majority of the game is monotonous—you take cover behind an object, kill some baddies, and repeat that about a hundred times — but one-shot kill mechanic called ‘Focus Aim’ and stealth-based melee kills do what they can to break up the monotony. In an odd turn, James carries around a smartphone that make up as a Swiss Army knife, showing you objectives, letting you hack doors, and pinpointing enemies location, which basically ruins the difficulty. Not that the game is very challenging to begin with — enemies who rely on the same side-stepping move to avoid your bullets makes the game so easy, and any sense of challenge comes from staggering numbers rather than intelligent enemy behaviour.

The game’s plot is nothing to write about either, involving global political intrigue and bio weapons; it’s superficial and over the top, and it’s a typical James Bond plot line. Dame Judi Dench and Daniel Craig turn in solid voice performances, but even their starpower isn’t enough to make you care about what’s going on. There is also a multiplayer mode that I wasn’t able to try, but honestly, I’m not sure enough if people will invest in the game to ensure a healthy community; otherwise, if you’re going to play a multiplayer Bond game, you might as well invest in Goldeneye Wii, and PS3 and Xbox 360 owners will probably be too engrossed by Black Ops to care about anything else for the next few months.

Again, this is why I feel Bloodstone so confusing: Trying to release an original James Bond title that isn’t tied into a big budget movie is risky on its own, but releasing it the same day as the remake of one of the most favourite Bond games of all time, with what will no doubt be one of the biggest selling game of the year in Black Ops waiting in the wings, seems like an unusual business decision.

My Top 5 Shooter Games for iPhone

11 11 2010

Looking for the best iPhone shooter games? We have listed down the top five shooter games for iPhone for you to choose from. Here’s your best list of best iPhone shooter games. Either you get one of them or get all if you’re a die-hard shooter game fan.

iBubble Shooter Pro

If shooting bubbles seems a nice idea of a great shooter game, you’ll definitely enjoy iBubble Shooter Pro. It’s very simple and yet very addictive. The objective of this game is pretty simple just like any other bubble shooter game for iPhone, burst as much bubble as you can to clear the game board as fast as you can. You need to use your fingers to shoot 3 or more of the same colour bubbles to pop them. The game has two modes of play, collector mode where you need to achieve the biggest score possible and sniper mode where you need to clear the board with as few shots as possible. Price: $0.99

Marine Sharpshooter

This iPhone shooter game was based from a best-selling PC game which boasted 1 million sales. For its iPhone version, Marine Sharpshooter got 2.5 million downloads worldwide. The game takes you into different combat environments. You must complete missions involving rescue of hostages, assassinating targets and more. The game also features multiple rifles including the M82, SR25 and more. The game has three play modes – quick play, arcade and story. What makes this game outstanding is the strategy factor. Since you are a sharpshooter, you need to take down every single enemy with one bullet, so aim carefully. Price: $1.99

Call of Duty World at War –Zombies 2

If you had fun with the Call of Duty game series, you will definitely enjoy this game as well. It takes the same action-packed Call of Duty game and puts a different spin on it. This time you will be shooting as many zombies as you can. The game supports up to four players on four different iPhones connected through Wi-Fi as well as 2 players connected through Bluetooth. It’s a type of multiplayer experience on your iPhone. Other features of the game include; 3 different controls, an achievements system, leaderboard, downloadable content and of course the huge arsenal at your disposal. Price: $9.99

Half-Dead 3D Shooter

This first-person shooter has intelligent AI that will surely pose a great challenge to your shooting game skills. The game features a smooth interface and game environment. Eliminating all your enemies as fast as you can is the objective of the game. To do this, you must shoot as accurately as possible as well as use health kits which are strategically located. All these elements make up a great first-person shooter set in a 3D environment.  Price: $0.99

Battle Bears-1

The first time I found out about Battle Bears I did not believe that those cuddly bears could actually be as fierce as the Battle Bears. But what can you do? The game was really fun and hilarious with an added mix of shooting action. Battle Bears-1 features powerups, free range movements, battle various bosses and take a crack at 35 achievements waiting for you. One word I can best describe this game – hilarious! Price: $0.99

Evolution of First Person Shooter Games

16 10 2010

The trend for first person shooter games is on a progressive state. It could be dated back to 1970’s when the main console is Atari; everyone seemed to get hooked on first person shooter games. First person shooter games, also known as FPS, are games that show the arms and the gun of a protagonist in a screen and, most of the time, a crosshair. It is like you are the one doing the attack. You are the seeing and playing the vision of the main protagonist of the game. It gives a more realistic feeling to every shooting game developed under the FPS category.

The gameplay of first shooter games mostly fall on a mission-type adventure. This is the common denominator for all FPS games. You can grab power ups, ammunitions, weapons and weapon upgrades, and first aid kits along the way. You travel to pathways eliminating a horde of enemies – people or monsters. The fun here is envisioning your self entering into the mission via the first shooter field. You can actually think that you are on the game. The thrill to it is that you cannot anticipate what is behind you unlike other shooter games. Like in real life, you can’t see what’s at your back because you don’t, of course, literally have eyes to help you guard from behind. If you can aim well, then any FPS game can be completed with no sweat.

Famous FPS games were sold on the market; some became very successful and widely sought after. Counterstrike and Half-life, to name a few from the already globally famous shooter game category, had hooked a crowd for years. More and more promising FPS games are being developed and released.

Duke Nukem 3D is one of the most famous FPS games ever developed. It was already 10 years when the developers released the last installment to the sequel. An upcoming Duke Nukem installment can be played soon according to GameSpot.