Tips to Get Better at FPS Games

24 11 2010

Not doing well with shooting games? Here are some tips that could help you get better:

Have decent computer specs and internet connection. Increasing your FPS will immensely help you in your game, seeing how many bullets your weapon fires per second your computer can handle. Having a high-end computer isn’t necessary for this, however you don’t want to be the one lagging up the whole room.

Don’t hack! Many players find that they aren’t good at FPS, and will just give up. They don’t actually give up on the game, they decide to stop playing fair and resort to hacking. Hacking is an annoyance and can decrease your reputation or even get you banned in the game.

Practice, practice, and practice some more. Spending hours playing the game is better than any secret out there. Shooting games take time if you’re just getting into them. Having no experience and not much hand-eye coordination can make the experience really hard at first. But playing the game for a while and getting the hang of it will eventually make things easier for you.

Turn your mouse sensitivity all the way up. Why? Because if you master your mouse movements, you can maneuver your character more quickly and precisely, and most importantly, your aiming. Having your mouse sensitivity on high means you have the option to react with a fast turn. If you have your sensitivity on low, it will take a couple seconds for your character to react when you are getting shot at.

For everyone with low-end computers, turn your settings down. There is no use for all the effects and graphics when your computer can’t handle them. As I mentioned in my first tip, you can only fire as many bullets as your computer can manage.

Drink Mountain Dew. It doesn’t really have to be Mountain Dew. Any caffeinated drink would do the trick. All that caffeine will give you a boost and increase your mental alertness, which in turn will improve your reaction time. I’ve read that a lot of pros do this. I highly recommend that you try it too.



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