Medal of Honor (2010)

14 10 2010

After the release of Medal of Honor in PlayStation Portable, an innovative title to add to the ever-famous shooting game series had been recently released. If you are a player of console games, then be prepared to get hooked to another Medal of Honor game. This time, it went multiplayer; hence, it could only mean “multi” the fun. This game is developed by Danger Close within EA. Stable PC servers host the open beta of the multiplayer mode of the game. It is set to be hosted by a dedicated server, just like how it goes with massive multiplayer online games. The game was released on October 12, 2010.

As seen and portrayed on its former titles, this first-person shooter game is yet again set on a war plot. Compared to the traditional way of health point illustrations, Medal of Honor uses a certain way of conveying to the people a more realistic experience. The screen turns reddish showing a health decline from attacks that aren’t evaded. This allows you to recharge your health. This means that you return to a healthy state after successful parrying from enemy’s attacks. Aiming your target is an extremely important factor in this game. The better you aim and shoot, the faster you eliminate the enemies. Advance through levels by skillful shooting and accomplishing each given mission.

The multiplayer mode has a different set of features. You can play the role of a rifleman, special ops, and a sniper – your call. Each of the roles can equip a unique variety of artilleries and accessories. More weapons are in store for you when you level up, making you a more powerful opponent. You can gain experience through playing. Be sure to get ready to face skillful opponents around the globe.

This game received positive reviews from different game critics which clearly told us that this game is worth playing.